Doctor Staci’s favorite phrase is “Eat A Rainbow!” It’s an easy way to teach kids that foods that are vibrant and colorful are healthier for us. She and her team also talk at great lengths with families on the dangers of food dyes, chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives in foods, as well as avoiding highly processed and acidic foods.
People in ancient civilizations had very few cavities or dental problems, despite the fact that they never brushed or flossed their teeth!

Eating a diet that is free of or limited in processed foods — such as processed grains and wheats— and one heavy in organic vegetables, grass fed animal sources, healthy fats and limited seasonal fruits and fermented foods, proves to provide your body with all the nutrients and vitamins that can make our teeth stronger and more resistant to cavities and other dental infections.

Doctor Staci is always trying to help families find resources for healthy, affordable food and to help navigate oral hygiene at home. As a mother of two young girls, she has lots of great ideas, tips, and tricks to share with you!

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (971) 978-0009.

Hygiene Tips for Older Toddlers and Kids

Hygiene Tips for Babies and Young Toddlers

Hygiene Help

Keeping Kids Cavity Free

Doctor Staci Talks Brushing

Part 1

Part 2